Saturday, November 7, 2009

People make me Sick!

I really hope that there is some truth to the 2012 prophecy cause the human race needs to pay for their selfish greed. I wish that it were possible to relinquish my human species status lets be honest with ourselves, if we are so intelligent why are we destroying the lungs of the planet destroying rainforest. Now the Oil Company Chevron is drill for oil in the middle of the rain forest, and where oil companies go devastation is sure to follow. I would really like to ask these fools do they think it won't affect them, or there siblings I mean this is STUPIDITY!. Wake the Hell up! money isn't going to save your ass do the research or take a course in enviornmental studies and educate yourselves, either that or kiss your asses good-bye. IDIOTS.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Me First

We have all experienced conversations in which the speaker referred to himself over and over again. "I," "me" or "myself" seem to arise in every sentence. Somehow our world has slipped into the error of gratifying self to the point of excess, regardless of what happens in the long run. Greed, avarice and envy abound. We strive to outdo our neighbor and continually amass more. Our companies strive to "maximize profits" with little concern whether we can sustain this lifestyle.
The wisdom of such thinking is ungodly. It comes from another source and is earthly, sensual and demonic (James 3:15-16). Gone are the days when a person shunned indebtedness and greed. Gone are the days when a decent profit was enough. Gone are the days where we were truly concerned about our neighbor. Present are the days of self-indulgence and carelessness. Present are the days of climbing over another in order to get ahead. "Me first" will be the death of the individual who succumbs to its allure. That path leads to destruction and unhappiness.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Climate Change and what were doing about it!

It would appear that once again the governments are going to be doing little if anything about Clmate Change, the Alberta government has asked that the oil sands project get expanded that will increase the CO2 levels further. It is all about Greed, our economy is important but at what cost that is slowly being revealed and in the end the cost will be greater then what we can pay.

I believe that the Oil Companies, Car Companies and US Congress are responsible for the destruction of the planet and its all about GREED!. The good thing about it is those responsible will perish with the rest of us or their siblings, they really are fools they won't escape. I hope that their money tastes good cause that's all their going to have, there's going to be food shortages, water shortages. If the governments were serious about Climate Change they would have developed the electric car further and ceased oil exploration, but their not I think that Katrina is just the tip of the ice berg in Canada not long ago twelve tornadoes touched down what are these fools in government waiting for total destruction.

I am a Believer and so far the Bible is accurate in saying that this civilization will end Jesus knew that mankind is evil above all things that his heart is hard and that is man's downfall. Jesus Christ is the only way to softening the heart he will rid you of your selfishness and greed, all you have to do is ask him to. Mankind's rule for the last 6,000 years have ended in failure as will this civilization take a look around, when that happens God rules after and he will rule with righteousness. I really hope you are ready, I can't wait!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Ranting!

We as a civilization are not very bright we just think we are, maybe we have come along way technologically but we cannot seem to control ourselves with regards to our greed and selfish behaviour. Over the last two thousand years civilizations have risen and fallen such as the Assyrians, Medo-Persians, Babylonians, Greeks, and the Romans after these Empires arose the Ottomon Empire which some say exists today. My point is it will fall as well our technology is good in a way, but it is slowly killing us as well by the pollution it creates. Our politicians know what is happening but big business is preventing them from doing the right thing Oil Companies, Car Companies both of these Companies stand in the way of a cleaner environment. When this civilization comes to an End and it will because we choose to ignore the problem and Greed takes over, it will be the end of a life of plenty to a life of starvation. All your money isn't going to help you either you will perish like the rest of us we will not be able to travel long distances in space that technology does not exist. We are running out of time I believe by what I have read and researched and by what our scientists have said that this is our final century. I believe that it will be less then one hundred years overpopulation will see to that more people more cars equals more pollution. Deforestation of our forests which help to clean our air are disappearing at an alarming rate forests are necessary to help cool the planet that would explain the heating up of our planet. Skeptics will tell you differently but I'm sure they get paid to, I'd believe scientists before believing skeptics, besides taking responsibility has never been the human races strong suit most of us tend to put the blame on another. Our oceans are heating up because our planet is heating up the storms will get worse Katrina have wind speeds of 250 miles per hour look what that did did we learn Hell No! more tornadoes have we leaned Nope!. We will never learn cause money is more important with that mindset we are done. OH WELL!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Continued Destruction of Our Ecosystems

Humans are living well beyond their ecological means and are now exhausting natural resources at an unprecedented rate. In so doing, says WWF's bi-annual report, we are threatening ourselves and all other species with extinction.
New calculations on the decline in the planet's capacity to provide food, fibre and timber, and absorb carbon dioxide, suggest we are using 25% more resources than are renewed naturally in a year.

This ecological "overshoot", which has been growing steadily for nearly 40 years, will on present trends be 100% by 2050, making the likelihood of large-scale ecosystem collapse likely, and conflict and political tension certain, says the environmental group's report.

"Effectively, the earth's regenerative capacity can no longer keep up with demand - people are turning resources into waste faster than nature can turn waste back into resources. Humanity is no longer living off nature's interest, but is drawing down its capital. This growing pressure on ecosystems is causing habitat destruction or degradation and is threatening both biodiversity and human well being," says the report.

The calculations are made by tracking the annual fortunes of 3,600 populations of more than 1,300 land and marine species, and by factoring in climate-changing carbon dioxide emissions, crop yields and fish harvests.

The study shows a 31% decline between 1970 and 2003 in populations of land species and only slightly less in sea and freshwater species - a significant increase on 2001, the last time the calculations were made. Coastal mangroves upon which much marine life depends are being degraded rapidly, as are tropical forests. Overfishing is now affecting the health of most oceans. The most dramatic declines are seen in India and south-east Asia, where economic development is proceeding fastest.

"Population declines like this are unprecedented in human history," said Jonathan Loe, of the Zoological Society of London, one of the report's authors. "It is a stark indication of the rapid loss of biodiversity worldwide."

In a separate measure of ecological sustainability included in the WWF report, Britain was found to be the 14th most profligate nation on earth. This was calculated by measuring the amount of land and sea needed to produce the resources used by Britons, and the amount of land needed to absorb their waste.

The global average is roughly 2.2 hectares (5.4 acres), but each person in Britain uses the equivalent of 5.6ha (nearly 14 acres). "If everyone lived like we do, we would need three planets to support us," says WWF.

On this measure, the United Arab Emirates is the world's most ecologically profligate part of the world, followed by the US. The countries with the smallest ecological footprint are Bangladesh, Somalia, Afghanistan and Malawi. North America has the highest per person ecological deficit, with the EU next. At the other extreme is Latin America.

"Humanity is living off its ecological credit card," said Mathis Wackernagel, director of the Global Footprint Network, which did the study. "While this can be done for a short while, it ultimately leads to liquidation of the planet's ecological assets, and the depletion of resources ... upon which our economy depends."

WWF's director general, James Leape, said: "The cities, power plants and homes we build today will either lock society into damaging overconsumption beyond our lifetimes, or begin to propel this and future generations towards sustainable living."

The report proposes five ways to cut the global ecological deficit. Increases in population, it says, can be slowed down and turned into decreases by people having smaller families. The affluent can cut consumption and still improve their quality of life. The resources used in the production of goods can be greatly reduced. And better management can reclaim land, while rigorous protection of soils, fisheries and forests will help the planet produce more resources.

People need to become more responsible and start to consider others and not just themselves if they are to continue on this planet. At the moment people are Greedy, Selfish and think their invisible, there is coming a time when people will have no one to blame but themselves. There is a moral code of ethics that people just don't get and I personally think that they never ever will. We can send people to the moon and beyond, we can develop technology that help the human race in day to day life. But our greedy and selfish behaviour is our biggest downfall, man kinds rule of this planet will end very shortly the Good will perish with the Evil then our God will sort it all out. My future is to spend eternity with Jesus Christ, what about yours?